Painim olgeta :property_kain stail haus bilong salim na rentim insait PNG
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Painim pinis 270 :property_dispela kain bilong salim na rentim insait long PNG

Apartments for Rent insait Lae Morobe Province ID 320913
3 x Bedroom Unit Apartment K3,500 Morobe Province
Apartments for Rent insait Lae Morobe Province ID 322437
2 x 3 Bedroom Split Unit for Rent K3,500 Morobe Province
Apartments for Sale insait Lae Morobe Province ID 322958
5 x 3 Bedroom Unit for Sale K2,200,000 Morobe Province
Apartments for Sale insait Lae Morobe Province ID 322957
4 x 2 Bedroom units for Sale K2,200,000 Morobe Province
Apartments for Rent insait 7 Mile National Capital ID 322952
2BR unit for rent K3,500 National Capital
Apartments for Sale insait Lae Morobe Province ID 322899
Executive 3 Bedroom Unit for Sale K4,000,000 Morobe Province
Apartments for Sale insait Waigani National Capital ID 322766
APARTMENT FOR SALE K4,000,000 National Capital
Apartments for Sale or Rent insait Lae Morobe Province ID 322448
4 x 2 Bedroom Units K700,000 Morobe Province
Apartments for Rent insait Lae Morobe Province ID 322650
APARTMENT FOR LEASE K5,500 Morobe Province
Apartments for Sale insait Hohola National Capital ID 322477
Apartment K4,000,000 National Capital
Apartments for Rent insait Lae Morobe Province ID 322373
3 x Bedroom Executive Unit K15,000 Morobe Province
Apartments for Sale insait Lae Morobe Province ID 322287
2 x 3 Bedroom Unit K1,000,000 Morobe Province
Apartments for Sale insait 7 Mile National Capital ID 320361
English K217,500 National Capital
Apartments for Rent insait Gordon National Capital ID 322257
2x3 Bed Bedroom Unit K6,000 National Capital
Apartments for Rent insait Lae Morobe Province ID 321784
3 x Bedroom Unit Apartment K6,600 Morobe Province
Apartments for Rent insait Waigani National Capital ID 321740
6 bedroom tri-level apartment K15,000 National Capital
Apartments for Sale insait Port Moresby National Capital ID 309565
FLAT 4X2 BEDROOM K850,000 National Capital
Apartments for Sale insait Port Moresby National Capital ID 319857
Four fully tenanted units with 2 times bedroom self contain units on sale K1,700,000 National Capital
Apartments for Rent insait Boroko National Capital ID 319850
3 bedroom unit with master bedroom ensuite for lease K5,200 National Capital
Apartments for Sale insait Port Moresby National Capital ID 316685
Available immediately! Don't miss out. K1,500 National Capital
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