House for Rent in Port Moresby National Capital ID 247326
Sale Price -
Rent Price K 10,000

4Bedroom Standalone House For Lease

Port Moresby, National Capital
17 Jan 2020

#RentalRate: K10,000.00 Monthly.

#RentalType: Standalone House

#Location: Boroko, along Angau Drive

At Boroko along Angau Drive has fully renovated standalone house with 4 b/rms and master ensuite out on market for lease.

It has got most spacious parking area can cater to 5-7 vehicles.

Entire yard is fully fenced by the new concrete and spike fencing.

Kindly send us a private message or email us for more info or for an inspection.

Email: [email protected]
contact us o Ph: 79237387 / 76018770

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