Property & Maintenance Service in Port Moresby National Capital ID 251974
K 800


Port Moresby, National Capital
28 Jan 2020
Good morning to all. We are "FIXED ASSET PROFESSIONALS" a locally 100% PNG Owned Property Valuation Company.  Let me introduce to you one of our services we offer. We provide valuation service for all types of assets including vacant land, residential, commercial, industrial and other special properties. We are UNIQUE with our service because:

1. Our Valuation Fees are affordable

2. We also use our software tool called "Fixed Asset Management System" to register and manager all the assets after Valuation.

3. We deliver reports in a timely Manner (7 working days)

4. We have a team of Professionals Valuers and assistants.

5. We are registered, certified & Licensed

** With our motto "VALUATION TO SERVE YOUR NEEDS" we are able to carry out all Valuation for any purposes including: Market Valuation, Insurance Valuation, Mortgage/Bank Loan, Compensation etc throughout Papua New Guinea.

** Please feel free to ask for our quotation by clicking the link below."

For further information Please contact us:

Mr. Joel Wapele
Valuations Manager - Fixed Asset Professionals

Tel: 3251608
Mobile: 71213861/75598516
Email: [email protected] or [email protected]
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