“When women have access to finances, credit, technologies and markets, they are likely to expand their businesses and contribute effectively to sustained economic growth and development,” UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon.
The government of Papua New Guinea recognizes that women need to be active players in the business industry in order for the PNG economy to maintain and sustain its current growth. For this purpose the government has sanctioned certain non-government organizations to focus on empowering women to venture into small businesses. One such organization is the Women’s Business Resource Center (WBRC).
The WBRC was opened in 2016 by American NGO Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) and is jointly funded by the Australian and US governments. It offers women access to business information and services, training and support in a secured environment together with free onsite childcare services.
Margaret Aila, program manager for the WBRC appreciates that aside from the typical challenges, women are also challenged with: finding babysitters, maintaining her home all the while trying to promote her business and increase her clientele. The biggest issue that women face is getting their products and services out there to a wider public market for the business to be sustainable in the long run. There are mainstream media options available in the country, however the cost of running an effective advertisement on mainstream media would break the budget of any small business.
This is primarily why online advertising is fast becoming the most popular form of advertising in the country and especially for women in business. Business women are able to market their products and services from the comfort of their homes eliminating many other gender specific challenges.
This is a service that Marketmeri.com, a Papua New Guinea-focused online classifieds platform offers to the women that are affiliated with the WBRC. Free, convenient and reliable services with regular check up calls from support staff Marketmeri.com is indeed the PNG market meri’s best option for advertising her business. Marketmeri.com one of the many services offered by leading PNG real estate portal Hausples.
Hausples General Manager Tom Snelling, who runs a monthly workshop at the WBRC for interested businesswomen, said their support is based on a strategic partnership that is a win-win for both organizations.
“PNG’s transition into digital technology opens up a multitude of marketing opportunities for business and private enterprise. Offering the services of Marketmeri.com to Papua New Guinean businesswomen is a step in the right direction and we value our partnership with the Women’s Business Resource Center and its membership,” he said.
Above: Hausples General Manager Tom Snelling talking to business women at WBRC
“There are groups of women who are looking for this kind of platform and service where they can advertise. One of those ladies said they saw on Facebook details of what this online service can offer, they are talking amongst themselves, they know they need this sort of service,” said Magret Aila. “We from our end need to push more to get the word out on the service that Marketmeri.com offers. All the women’s groups that come we tell them about Marketmeri, we tell them about the monthly session (on Marketmeri.com) on the first Wednesday of every month.”
CIPE country director, Eli Webb, said empowering women would have a positive impact on families and PNG as a nation.
“Stronger women means stronger families and a stronger Papua New Guinea. Economic empowerment is enabling women to start and manage their own businesses, escape gender-based violence, and break through cultural and socioeconomic barriers,” she said in a statement November 2016 to coincide with the center’s opening.
Currently there are over 3,000 individual accounts on Marketmeri.com and over 54, 000 followers on facebook (MeriPng), many of these are Papua New Guinean women. Products on sale range from vehicles, real estate, electronics, shoes, jewellery and other fashion items. Services advertised include catering, photography, logistics support, building maintenance, home builders, plumbers, electricians, security services including GPS monitoring and many more.
The free online classifieds platform gives you the option of following five steps to get your advertisement online - for step by step instructions on how to upload an advertisement go to this link or email [email protected]. Or better yet, you can register by clicking here ► and talk to our support staff at The 2018 PNG Real Estate Show, June 1 &2 at the Sir John Guise Indoor Complex.
The Women’s Business Resource Center is located within the Century 21 building on Kunai Street in Hohola, National Capital District. For more information on their programs and activities follow their Facebook page or contact Eli Webb (CIPE Country Coordinator) on [email protected] Margaret Aila (Women’s Business Center Program Manager) [email protected] or email the center directly on [email protected]
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